Editor Collection

Dispatches From Cascadia by Rithikha Rajamohan

This 6-part work of speculative fiction, set in the year 2065 is told through the lens of a journalist reporting on the City of Vancouver, BC, three decades after its transition to protocolized governance.


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Editor Collection

Dispatches From Cascadia by Rithikha Rajamohan

This 6-part work of speculative fiction, set in the year 2065 is told through the lens of a journalist reporting on the City of Vancouver, BC, three decades after its transition to protocolized governance.

Featured Stories

Tinker by Richard Ngo

Curated for prompt 2: what if we brought bartering to the internet economy?

Featured Stories

They May as Well Grow on Trees by Xander Balwit

Curated for prompt 5: what if Theranos actually worked?

Featured Stories

Great-Granny Bethany’s Memories of Space by Renan Bernardo

Curated for prompt 1: what if we are the threat to AI?

Featured Stories

Scarlett by Everdeen Mason

Curated for prompt 1: what if we are the threat to AI?

Editor Collection

Signs of Life by Sarah Pinsker

Featured Stories

Inside the Clock Tower: an Interoperability Story by Cory Doctorow

Curated for prompt 2: what if we brought bartering to the internet economy?

Featured Stories

Water by Ramez Naam

Curated for prompt 3: what if WFH took place in Vision Pros?

Featured Stories

Death by Peach by Lila Shroff

Curated for prompt 3: what if WFH took place in Vision Pros?

Featured Stories

Disassesmania by Jeff Sauer

Curated for prompt 4: what if transhumanism was the key to immortality?

Featured Stories

A Home that Lives by Osahon Ize-Iyamu

Curated for prompt 4: what if transhumanism was the key to immortality?

Featured Stories

Human Processing Unit by David Kastner

Curated for prompt 5: what if Theranos actually worked?

Featured Stories

Seven deadliest inventions of the new era; an itemization by Uchechukwu Nwaka

Curated for prompt 6: what if superheroes were technically feasible?

Featured Stories

2054, Part II: The Next Big Thing by Elliot Ackerman and James Stavridis

Curated for prompt 6: what if superheroes were technically feasible?

Featured Stories

Daffodil’s Baby by Alyssa Virker

Curated for prompt 7: what if designer babies were an affordable good?

Featured Stories

January, 2035: the first designer baby brought to life by Dr. Bertalan Mesko

Curated for prompt 7: what if designer babies were an affordable good?

Featured Stories

Hypnopompia by Riley Wong

Curated for prompt 8: what if we teleported through lucid dreams?

Featured Stories

Quantum Slime Molds by Aleena Vigoda

Curated for prompt 8: what if we teleported through lucid dreams?

Featured Stories

Jailbreaking out of the Replicator Matrix by algekalipso

Curated for prompt 9: what if The Matrix was set in 2024?

Featured Stories

Roesin by Wu Guan

Curated for prompt 9: what if The Matrix was set in 2024?

Editor Collection

Dispatches From Cascadia by Rithikha Rajamohan

This 6-part work of speculative fiction, set in the year 2065 is told through the lens of a journalist reporting on the City of Vancouver, BC, three decades after its transition to protocolized governance.

Featured Stories

Tinker by Richard Ngo

Curated for prompt 2: what if we brought bartering to the internet economy?

Featured Stories

They May as Well Grow on Trees by Xander Balwit

Curated for prompt 5: what if Theranos actually worked?

Featured Stories

Great-Granny Bethany’s Memories of Space by Renan Bernardo

Curated for prompt 1: what if we are the threat to AI?

Featured Stories

Scarlett by Everdeen Mason

Curated for prompt 1: what if we are the threat to AI?

Editor Collection

Signs of Life by Sarah Pinsker

Featured Stories

Inside the Clock Tower: an Interoperability Story by Cory Doctorow

Curated for prompt 2: what if we brought bartering to the internet economy?

Featured Stories

Water by Ramez Naam

Curated for prompt 3: what if WFH took place in Vision Pros?

Featured Stories

Death by Peach by Lila Shroff

Curated for prompt 3: what if WFH took place in Vision Pros?

Featured Stories

Disassesmania by Jeff Sauer

Curated for prompt 4: what if transhumanism was the key to immortality?

Featured Stories

A Home that Lives by Osahon Ize-Iyamu

Curated for prompt 4: what if transhumanism was the key to immortality?

Featured Stories

Human Processing Unit by David Kastner

Curated for prompt 5: what if Theranos actually worked?

Featured Stories

Seven deadliest inventions of the new era; an itemization by Uchechukwu Nwaka

Curated for prompt 6: what if superheroes were technically feasible?

Featured Stories

2054, Part II: The Next Big Thing by Elliot Ackerman and James Stavridis

Curated for prompt 6: what if superheroes were technically feasible?

Featured Stories

Daffodil’s Baby by Alyssa Virker

Curated for prompt 7: what if designer babies were an affordable good?

Featured Stories

January, 2035: the first designer baby brought to life by Dr. Bertalan Mesko

Curated for prompt 7: what if designer babies were an affordable good?

Featured Stories

Hypnopompia by Riley Wong

Curated for prompt 8: what if we teleported through lucid dreams?

Featured Stories

Quantum Slime Molds by Aleena Vigoda

Curated for prompt 8: what if we teleported through lucid dreams?

Featured Stories

Jailbreaking out of the Replicator Matrix by algekalipso

Curated for prompt 9: what if The Matrix was set in 2024?

Featured Stories

Roesin by Wu Guan

Curated for prompt 9: what if The Matrix was set in 2024?

Editor Collection

Dispatches From Cascadia by Rithikha Rajamohan

This 6-part work of speculative fiction, set in the year 2065 is told through the lens of a journalist reporting on the City of Vancouver, BC, three decades after its transition to protocolized governance.

Featured Stories

Tinker by Richard Ngo

Curated for prompt 2: what if we brought bartering to the internet economy?

Featured Stories

They May as Well Grow on Trees by Xander Balwit

Curated for prompt 5: what if Theranos actually worked?

Featured Stories

Great-Granny Bethany’s Memories of Space by Renan Bernardo

Curated for prompt 1: what if we are the threat to AI?

Featured Stories

Scarlett by Everdeen Mason

Curated for prompt 1: what if we are the threat to AI?

Editor Collection

Signs of Life by Sarah Pinsker

Featured Stories

Inside the Clock Tower: an Interoperability Story by Cory Doctorow

Curated for prompt 2: what if we brought bartering to the internet economy?

Featured Stories

Water by Ramez Naam

Curated for prompt 3: what if WFH took place in Vision Pros?

Featured Stories

Death by Peach by Lila Shroff

Curated for prompt 3: what if WFH took place in Vision Pros?

Featured Stories

Disassesmania by Jeff Sauer

Curated for prompt 4: what if transhumanism was the key to immortality?

Featured Stories

A Home that Lives by Osahon Ize-Iyamu

Curated for prompt 4: what if transhumanism was the key to immortality?

Featured Stories

Human Processing Unit by David Kastner

Curated for prompt 5: what if Theranos actually worked?

Featured Stories

Seven deadliest inventions of the new era; an itemization by Uchechukwu Nwaka

Curated for prompt 6: what if superheroes were technically feasible?

Featured Stories

2054, Part II: The Next Big Thing by Elliot Ackerman and James Stavridis

Curated for prompt 6: what if superheroes were technically feasible?

Featured Stories

Daffodil’s Baby by Alyssa Virker

Curated for prompt 7: what if designer babies were an affordable good?

Featured Stories

January, 2035: the first designer baby brought to life by Dr. Bertalan Mesko

Curated for prompt 7: what if designer babies were an affordable good?

Featured Stories

Hypnopompia by Riley Wong

Curated for prompt 8: what if we teleported through lucid dreams?

Featured Stories

Quantum Slime Molds by Aleena Vigoda

Curated for prompt 8: what if we teleported through lucid dreams?

Featured Stories

Jailbreaking out of the Replicator Matrix by algekalipso

Curated for prompt 9: what if The Matrix was set in 2024?

Featured Stories

Roesin by Wu Guan

Curated for prompt 9: what if The Matrix was set in 2024?